The day has finally come to collect the kit from Russell at Arrow Sportscars. Knowing it was going to be a bit of a drive I grabbed a mate and headed to the local service station to hire a car trailer for the pick up. I chuked lots of old towels in the car to wrap things up and protect everything. The drive out to Arrow took a couple of hours. I couldnt wait to see my car. Arriving I was greeted by my car on a forklift waiting to be loaded into the trailer. After a minutes the body was all tied down.
Once home we started to un pack, and of course, as always in Melbourne it began to pour. Not much fun trying to lift a car off the back of a trailer in the pouring rain. We got there in the end and the car was resting on it’s new temporary home so 400kg rated saw horses.
Here is a very hurried first photo. You can still see the water on it from the rain.

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